Adams State undergraduate enrollment growth trend continues 


ALAMOSA – Adams State University announced the institution continued to see an upward swing in undergraduate enrollment this fall, building on last year’s success. The University undergraduate enrollment is up nearly 5 percent from 2023.  

“This was, quite frankly, rather remarkable given the challenges we faced this year,” President David Tandberg, Ph.D., said. “But we did it and we should all be proud. This is very much a cause for celebration.” 

Much of the increase came from part-time and non-degree students. The post-graduate enrollment in teacher education, MBA, and music education increased as well. Overall, graduate enrollment was down slightly, however students did enroll in more classes than last year. 

Adams State is projecting an increase in both undergraduate and graduate students for the upcoming spring semester as well. Applications are currently being accepted and registration for the spring semester begins October 30, 2024. Visit for information or to apply. 

Adams State is the most affordable residential university in Colorado when factoring in the total cost of attendance, which includes tuition and fees and room and board. 

Newly appointed Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management Mark Buck said, “Understanding the entire financial process and how to approach funding one’s education can be confusing for students and parents. Simplifying and assisting students in navigating through the financial aid process will continue to be a priority for us here at Adams State.”