LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Education is beginning of all endeavors

Dear Editor,
Airplanes, engineers, financial security, painting, doctor, teacher, cell phones, well-being, priest, soldier, farmer, healthy life, musician, understanding politics.
What is the common thread between all of these words? Education. All human endeavors begin with the basics of education. From the early days of one-room schools scattered around Del Norte and South Fork, to a Consolidated School District, once K through 8 and now K through 12, education in Del Norte has evolved to prepare our children well for the future ahead.  These positive changes in our school systems were born out of generations of understanding that education must keep pace with an increasingly complicated world. Now in the 21st Century, we stand at a crossroads again, and we have a tremendous opportunity to provide our children with a 21st Century education. Voting yes on 3A will deliver the high-quality education they so deserve!
There are additional positive outcomes of consolidating our schools that can solve a multitude of problems in our community and offer opportunities for growth beyond the school system. Given that the existing school buildings are spread out, this is a great opportunity to repurpose those buildings for the benefit of the community.  While it is clear that the district needs to upgrade our schools to meet the growing challenges in education, it would be shortsighted to think that the old buildings have no value to our community.  Currently the Del Norte Fire Department, Head Start, Rio Grande county, and the Forest Service have toured the buildings and have sent in letters of interest or expressed an interest in repurposing the existing buildings for their organizations.  
Del Norte school district has a stellar reputation of supporting our schools.  We can and should create a school that will serve the next generation and beyond.    As a father, grandfather, and community member, I support and will vote yes on 3A!
For our kids today, the kids of the future, and for our community, get to the polls and Vote Yes on 3A!
Win Win Win
Cory Off,
Del Norte