Del Norte Head Start celebrates Week of the Young Child


DEL NORTE — Del Norte Head Start students spent last week celebrating Week of the Young Child. This event occurs every April and presents the opportunity to celebrate young learners, their schools and organizations, teachers, and staff.

The week was packed with fun activities for the students at Del Norte Head Start with classroom transformations of the whimsical kind to crafts, outdoor games and even a trip to the Pueblo Zoo. “We always have a wonderful time. It is a great way to break up the end of the school year and get outside to enjoy the warmer weather,” said Director Donna Briones.

Each classroom was transformed into the classic board game of Candy Land with the help of students and teachers. Throughout the month prior, students worked to help create the decorations and continued their learning in a creative and imaginative way. Rooms were themed for different parts of the child’s game from Cotton Candy Land to Under the Sea, a fairy garden and more.

Week of the Young Child has been celebrated in classrooms across the U.S. bringing attention to the people who help shape children from birth to age 8 and prepare them for school by age 5. The National Association for the Education of Young Children have helped drive Week of the Young Child with inventive resources and ideas to help celebrate the event.

This year with the theme of Candy Land dancing through their daily school schedules the students also participated in treasure hunts, an outdoor field day where they laughed and giggled their way through obstacle courses, bag races and so much more.

Del Norte Head Start currently has 48 children enrolled and, with the community's help, wants to encourage more parents to enroll students for the coming 2023-2024 program. In addition to wanting to boost enrollment numbers, the center has been working for the past several years to revitalize the old Del Norte Elementary School and hopes to be moved in by next year.

“We still have some funding that needs to be raised and will be hosting a fundraiser carnival on May 6 from 11 a.m. until 3. There will be games and fun activities and food, so please consider stopping by to help support a wonderful cause,” said long-time staff member and teacher Jane Simpson.

The event will take place in the old elementary school gym, and all are welcome to attend. All proceeds will go towards the renovation of the future home for Del Norte Head Start. Having the new facility will increase resources for families throughout Rio Grande County and increase security and classrooms.

For more information or to sign up for the coming school year, visit or by calling 719-657-3101.